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Is A Philosophical Study

meta, meaning "beyond" physics (the physical body)

What you think matters, literally. Metaphysics is the study of the nature of reality, and when explored can enhance daily life as well as in times of crisis. Just as there are indisputable laws governing your physical world like gravity, there are unseen laws organizing the universe that are as easy to understand as they are to teach.

This branch of philosophy suggests that you are the timeless, unending energy that theoretical physics strives to prove using mathematics. Metaphysics, meta meaning "beyond" sees no reason to wait for such formulas but relies more on experiential applications and observations, reaching back thousands of years transcending cultures and continents.

Do I need others to change so I can feel good? (No!)

Do I have to wait a long time to feel better? (No!)

Am I a victim to whatever life gives me? (No!)


Why These Ideas Are Important...
The things we don't talk about are the very things we probably should be talking about. We need to care about things we can't see, like our feelings. By getting our feelings out in the open, we can examine our beliefs and alter them if they are not serving us.
You may be asking yourself if your RELATIONSHIPS can change for the better, or if your JOB could bring you more happiness. Perhaps you find yourself more solemn than you'd like and FEEL DIRECTIONLESS. We evolve spiritually just as we do evolutionarily. These are often natural occurrences that a different perspective can easily remedy.
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