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About Beth...

In her early 20's Beth read a book written by Past Life Hypnotherapist, Dr. Michael Newton called Journey of Souls and finally begun to discover the answers to her most inner, burning questions. Author Dr. Brian Weiss also unearths our lives between lives in a book called Many Lives, Many Masters. She has read countless books on near death experiences and also those explaining mediumship. Over the past two decades she has poured over thousands of transcripts including ancient religions through the New Thought Movement extending to Quantum Physics and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapies.


Beth Murphy, M. Msc.


University of Metaphysical Sciences, Acata California

Beth began study in the fall of 2013 and received her Bachelor's in the following year. In 2016 she received her Master's degree. The coursework included 80 study programs on everything from world religions to the unified field theory. There were an additional 80 study meditations involving essays as well. Other assignments included creating a therapeutic hypnosis session and meditation.

"Change Your Thoughts,

Change Your World"

Why She Can Be of Service

Personal Experience...

Beth used her research in higher understanding to change the quality of her life and also to help her with the difficult transitioning of both parents. Their illness were cancer and a particularly troubling and traumatic illness called, Creutzfeldt Jakobs Disease. These difficulties in life along with many others was the catalyst for her to find answers and she did. She is a voracious student and has investigated everything that a person might encounter as they go through their life.

Like many empathetic people,  Beth has the ability to connect with others and feel their feelings as if they were her own, leaving them feeling deeply understood. Her depth and complexity as a Myers-Briggs type INFJ is a window into her own psyche. She is the quintessential Counselor/Advocate type.

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